Wellbeing & Mental health
Early Childhood
From taboo to transformation, mental health covers a whole journey in our pioneering programme. It is functionally built to look into the lives of and offer support to urban & rural underprivileged children. Created for 5 to 11 year olds, this programme creates safe, nurturing and creative spaces. Because this is perhaps the only way that these children can find constructive means to negotiate with life’s many challenges.
It is all about seamlessly bringing together peers, teachers, school leaders and counselors – to create a trustworthy environment that can further every child’s mental & emotional well-being. The programme also ensures the home environment of every child is made conducive to the changes. This is done by orienting the parents and making them a part of the larger process. It is continuously evolving with newer capabilities, as we align with the guidelines of CASEL, UNICEF Lifeskills Framework, PORTICUS Whole Child Development Framework and the HOPE curriculum.

1. project hope, chennai

Project Hope aims to develop children’s mental wellbeing and build resilience to effectively face the challenges in their lives. The project will bring in trained professionals and a custom curriculum that fuses elements of visual and performing arts to bring about a positive transformation in school children in the age group of 5-11. This project is currently being implemented in 25 government primary schools with the support of Cities Rise/RIST.

the programme has helped children

- Gain more awareness about mental health
- Gather greater knowledge and skills to negotiate socio-emotional issues
- Find nurturing, safe spaces both at home and school
- Discover the inspiration to support each other with learning through peer-led approaches
- Gain more awareness about mental health
- Gather greater knowledge and skills to negotiate socio-emotional issues
- Find nurturing, safe spaces both at home and school
- Discover the inspiration to support each other with learning through peer-led approaches

2. consultative projects on SEL
As a knowledge partner to Kaivalya Education Foundation, we helped develop art-based content and activities mapped to the Social, Emotional, and Ethical (SEE) Curriculum. This curriculum was intended for use with youth in communities as a part of their District Transformation Project in aspirational districts across states.
For the Language and Learning Foundation (LLF), we designed art-based activities to help children feel safe and warm going back to offline learning once the schools reopened after the prolonged closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We also provided lessons and teacher manuals for teachers and conducted a sensitisation and awareness-building workshop for block officers to help them appreciate the importance of SEL.