Join The Team

 At NalandaWay, our achievements stem from the excellence of our skilled team. Join us for creative job opportunities and be part of creating an impact

manager - kalakriti

Full-time | 4-5 years experience | Based in Delhi | Fluent in English and Hindi

Click here to read the job description. To apply, send your CV and motivation letter to before September 31.

manager - PROJECTS

Full-time | 4-5 years experience | Based in Chennai | Fluent in English and Tamil

Click here to read the job description. To apply, send your CV and motivation letter to before September 31.

In Their Own Words

Milton Samsundar

Manager | Projects

From the moment I walked into Nalandaway, I felt a genuine camaraderie among fellow artists and educators. The collaborative spirit and emphasis on individual growth have truly amplified my artistic pursuits. This place is a vibrant tapestry of creativity and shared passion